When shopping for life insurance, be honest about your health and any conditions you have. Don’t waste your time by tiptoeing around the topic, because if this specific company will not offer you coverage, there are others that will. Just because your got turned down by one carrier, it doesn’t mean that you will not…
Insurance experts at Protective share that there is a thing called a look period that you should be aware of. It means that after your policy starts, you usually have a time to make changes to it or even cancel it. Ask your agent about that period, and specifically when it starts and ends. It…
Life Insurance can protect your loved ones in many ways, and it is exactly what each parent wants to do: it can serve as an income replacement so that your family can continue living in their lifestyle if you are divorced, it can cover the support payments if you have a mortgage, it…
Life Insurance agents often times recommend to go for a policy that includes a doctor's visit prior. The no-exam policies are much pricier, and unless you have major health issues or a serious diagnosis, it is a good idea to get a medical check up. Whether you are younger or older, doing so can still…
For millennials, buying life insurance is a very smart call. Buying now will be also cost effective because when you are young and healthy it costs less. Also, if the unexpected happens. your family will have help to pay for student loan debt or a mortgage in your absence. Another thing to consider is a long-term…
When you are the one choosing a life insurance policy you can make all the decisions, unlike when you get insured by your employer. If you go to the agent who worked with you on your homeowners insurance or auto insurance, you will also usially get a great offer. If you already have a company…
Financial planning for any family is complicated, but the challenges rise to a new level when a child has special needs. "Parents are not only planning for their family's needs and retirement, but for well beyond their lifetimes," says Linda Hunter Suzman, a Special Care Planner with MassMutual Financial Group in Seattle. The process, including buying life…
If you're looking for life insurance, aside from considering how much you need, you'll find the need to understand and possibly choose between the two basic types: term life insurance and cash value life insurance. The main difference between the two is that term life insurance covers you relatively inexpensively for a set period, whereas cash…
Often times, employees have life insurance automatically from their employer, or from a union or trade association. Having a group policy has a few advantages, comparing to an individual life insurance policy. First, you can get a lower rate for a given death benefit. That happens because the rates are averages weighted by people younger than you…
It is not a simple question to ask customers when they think they will die. Life insurance companies must take it upon themselves to determine when a potential customer will perish before they will invest. Companies compile large amounts of data in order to separate the healthy from the risky. This includes things like driving records,…